Over the many years of electronic music instruments it has become a tradition to use LEDs to show signal status, signal path, voltage, etc. As these instruments advanced, the industry standard was to use red and green to indicate negative and positive voltages. If you are a red/green color deficient individual, you probably noticed a slight issue with this. About 10% of the world's population has some level of reg/green color deficiency. This may not seem like a huge number, but it definitely affects our small community. Some manufacturers of Eurorack modules have already begun using red/blue LEDs for these signals, which is awesome. We decided to take this a step further and figure out a good wavelength of light that looks like greenish to non-color deficient people, but still far enough away from green to separate it from red. This is where we came up with the CVD LED. It still qualifies as red/green, but it is more of a red/teal. We tested with numerous CVD individuals to get this just right. Well, they are here and in stock now!
Check out the new CVD LED here and be sure to also take a peek at the data sheet as well. We have outlined the wavelengths of each color channel along with all the electrical specifications.
Also, don't forget about the new Hakai Labs KiCad library with symbols, footprints, and 3D models of our parts.